Namespace RetroEditor.Plugins
- ZXSpectrum48ImageHelper
Helper class for rendering a ZX Spectrum 48K screen, this will probably be abstracted out to a more generic class in the future.
- Pixel
A pixel in an image, 8:8:8:8 RGBA format
- IBitmapImage
Interface for a bitmap image - used with the BitmapWidget class
- IBitmapPalette
Interface for a palette - used with the PaletteWidget class
- IEditor
Editor interface - used to interact with the editor
- IImage
Interface for an image - used by the ImageView class
- ILayer
Interface for a layer in a tile map
- IMemoryAccess
Interface for accessing memory
- IMenu
Interface for creating menus
- IMenuItem
Represents a menu item
- IMenuProvider
Interface for providing menus Allows a plugin to provide a set of menus to the editor
- IPlayerControls
Interface for libretro emulator player
- IPlayerWindowExtension
Interface to allow a plugin to add widgets to the player window.
- IRetroPlugin
The primary interface to implement when developing a new plugin
- ISave
Interface for saving data, intended to be used to generate the final modded game At present only implemented by ZXSpectrumTape
- ISystemPlugin
Defines a system plugin (e.g. Megadrive, NES, etc)
- ITile
Interface for a tile - used by the TileMapWidget class
- ITileMap
Interface for a tile map - used by the TileMapWidget class
- ITilePalette
Interface for a tile map palette - used by the TileMapWidget class
- IUserWindow
Interface for a window that can be opened by the user.
- IWidget
Interface for creating widgets
- IWidgetCheckable
Interface for a widget that can be checked or unchecked
- IWidgetEnableable
Interface for a widget that can be enabled or disabled
- IWidgetHandleable
Interface for a widget that can notify of a value change
- IWidgetItem
Interface for a widget item that can be added to a window
- IWidgetLabel
Interface for a widget that can display a label
- IWidgetRanged
Interface for a widget that has a ranged value
- LogType
The type of the Log Message, used to categorize the message.
- MemoryEndian
Endianess of memory - used to determine how to read/write multi-byte values
- ReadKind
Memory region to read from
- WriteKind
Memory region to write to
- ChangedEventHandler
Delegate for a changed event. Would be called if a value changes in a widget that supports it
- MenuEventHandler
Callback for menu events